Ders Kodu/Course Code Dersin Adı/Course Name Sınıf/Classroom Tarih/Date Başlangıç Saati
Start Time
Bitiş Saati
End Time
    AE111-01 Fundamentals of Automotive Engineering 1.midterm 1015, 1003 1.11.2024 14:30 16:20    
    AE111-01 Fundamentals of Automotive Engineering 2.midterm 1015, 1003 13.12.2024 14:30 16:20    
    AE207-01 Automotive Laboratory 2031 6.11.2024 17:30 18:45    
    AE307-01 Fluid Mechanics 1.midterm 1029, 1017, 1019 4.11.2024 15:30 17:20    
    AE307-01 Fluid Mechanics 2.midterm B1006, 1017, 1019 16.12.2024 15:30 17:20    
    AE307-02 Fluid Mechanics 1.midterm 1024 4.11.2024 12:30 14:20    
    AE307-02 Fluid Mechanics 2.midterm 1024 9.12.2024 12:30 14:20    
    AE307-03 Fluid Mechanics 1.midterm B 1037 4.11.2024 14:30 16:30    
    AE307-03 Fluid Mechanics 2.midterm B 1037 16.12.2024 14:30 16:30    
    AE417-01 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis 1.midterm B1025, 2003 31.10.2024 13:30 15:20    
    AE417-01 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis 2.midterm B1025, 2003 5.12.2024 13:30 15:20    
    AE419-01 Internal Combustion Engine Design  2031 6.11.2024 17:30 18:45    
    AE426-01 Zırhlı Araç Tasarımı ve Üretimi 2009, 2043 22.11.2024 14:30 17:20    
    AE435-01 Vehicle Dynamics 2031 5.11.2024 17:30 18:45    
    ASE101 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering B1014, B1015 12.11.2024 16:30 18:20    
    ASE301-01 Applied Elasticity 1029, 1025 19.11.2024 16:00 18:00    
    ASE405-01 Aerodynamics II B1012  26.11.2024 11:30 13:30    
    ASE407-01 Propulsion Systems II L1006, L1010, 1012 10.12.2024 09:30 12:20    
    ASE425-01 Introduction to Boundary Layer Theory - 1.midterm B1017 23.10.2024 12:20 14:20    
    ASE425-01 Introduction to Boundary Layer Theory - 2.midterm B1017 4.12.2024 12:20 14:20    
    CE101-01 Mühendislik Temelleri 1.midterm  1015, B1003 19.11.2024 11:30 12:20    
    CE101-01 Mühendislik Temelleri 2.midterm  1015, B1003 10.12.2024 11:30 12:20    
    CE101-02 Mühendislik Temelleri 1.midterm  1015, B1003 19.11.2024 11:30 12:20    
    CE101-02 Mühendislik Temelleri 2.midterm  1015, B1003 10.12.2024 11:30 12:20    
    CE201-01 Temel Mekanik I-Statik 1. midterm B1014 20.11.2024 15:30 17:20    
    CE201-01 Temel Mekanik I-Statik 2. midterm B1014 18.12.2024 15:30 17:20    
    CE307-01 Akışkanlar Mekaniği 1. midterm 1017 22.11.2024 11:30 13:20    
    CE307-01 Akışkanlar Mekaniği 2. midterm 1017 20.12.2024 11:30 13:20    
    CE307-02 Akışkanlar Mekaniği 1. midterm 1017 22.11.2024 11:30 13:20    
    CE307-02 Akışkanlar Mekaniği 2. midterm 1017 20.12.2024 11:30 13:20    
    CE309-01 Jeoloji ve Ölçme Bilgisi 1. midterm 2043 13.11.2024 12:30 14:20    
    CE309-01 Jeoloji ve Ölçme Bilgisi 2. midterm 2043 18.12.2024 12:30 14:20    
    CE310-01 Hidrolik Mühendisliği 1. midterm B1012 12.11.2024 14:30 16:30    
    CE310-01 Hidrolik Mühendisliği 2. midterm B1012 10.12.2024 14:30 16:30    
    CE311-01 Zemin Mekaniği 1.midterm 2035, 2031 11.11.2024 13:30 15:20    
    CE311-01 Zemin Mekaniği 2.midterm 2035, 2031 9.12.2024 13:30 15:20    
    CE321-01 Yapı Analizi  2019, 2003 28.11.2024 14:30 16:20    
    CE335-01 Ulaştırma Mühendisliği  2035 18.11.2024 09:30 12:30    
    CE417-01 Kaya Mekaniği  B1019  13.11.2024 13:30 15:30    
    CE421-01 Uygulamalı Katı Cisim Mekaniği  B1014 14.11.2024 10:30 12:30    
    CE423-01 Yapısal Optimizasyon  B1019 29.11.2024 10:00 11:30    
    CE425-01 Yapı Planlaması ve Tahmini Değer Hesabı  B1043-II 26.11.2024 14:30 17:00    
    CE439-01 Kaplama Tasarımına Giriş  B1025 20.11.2024 09:30 12:30    
    CE447-01 Yapı Mühendisliğinde Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarım ve Analiz  L1012  25.11.2024 09:30 12:30    
    CE464-01 İnşaat Programlaması ve Maliyet Analizi  2019 22.11.2024 09:30 12:00    
    CE475-01 Gözenekli Ortam Akımı  CE Toplantı Odası 5.12.2924 13:30 15:30    
    CE479-01 Uygulamalı Su Kaynakları Mühendisliği  B1019 20.11.2024 09:30 12:30    
    CE523-01 İnşaat Mühendisliğinde Optimizasyon  B1025 27.11.2024 14:30 16:30    
    CE525-01 Yapı Planlaması ve Tahmini Değer Hesabı  2023 22.11.2024 13:30 16:00    
    CE542-01 İleri Yapı Malzemeleri 2031 14.11.2024 09:30 12:30    
    CE603-01 İleri Mühendislik Matematiği  B1007 13.11.2024 10:30 12:30    
    CEAC311-01 Fundamentals of Mass Transfer 1.Midterm L1012 1.11.2024 10:30 12:20    
    CEAC311-01 Fundamentals of Mass Transfer 2.Midterm 1017 11.12.2024 10:30 12:20    
    CEAC405-01 Chemical Engineering Design I 1.Midterm B1027 6.11.2024 14:30 16:20    
    CEAC405-01 Chemical Engineering Design I 2.Midterm B1027 11.12.2024 14:30 16:20    
    CEAC407-01 Process Modeling, Dynamics and Control 2.Midterm 2019 18.12.2024 11:30 13:20    
    CEAC407-01 Process Modeling, Dynamics and Control 1.midterm 2019 13.11.2024 11:30 13:20    
    CEAC423-01 Polymer Science and Technology  B1003 26.11.2024 09:30 11:20    
    CEAC502-01 Advanced Biochemistry  2043 12.11.2024 15:30 17:00    
    CEAC514-01 Cell Culture Techniques  2043 12.11.2024 15:30 17:00    
    CHE101-01 Introduction to Chemical Engineering  2027 21.11.2024 10:00 11:20    
    CHE103-01 General Chemistry 1.Midterm 1025, 1026II 14.11.2024 17:30 19:00    
    CHE103-01 General Chemistry 2.Midterm 1025, 1026II 21.12.2024 10:00 12:00    
    CHE201-01 Analytical Chemistry 1.midterm 2019 12.11.2024 09:30 11:20    
    CHE201-01 Analytical Chemistry 2.midterm 2019 17.12.2024 09:30 11:20    
    CHE203-01 Physical Chemistry 1.midterm 2017 18.11.2024 09:30 11:20    
    CHE203-01 Physical Chemistry 2.midterm 2017 23.12.2024 09:30 11:20    
    CHE303-01 Chemical Reaction Engineering I 1.Midterm 2003 5.11.2024 13:30 15:20    
    CHE303-01 Chemical Reaction Engineering I 2.Midterm 2003 3.12.2024 13:30 15:20    
    CHE311-01 Fundamentals of Mass Transfer 1.Midterm L1012 1.11.2024 10:30 12:20    
    CHE311-01 Fundamentals of Mass Transfer 2.Midterm 1017 11.12.2024 10:30 12:20    
    CHE405-01 Chemical Engineering Design I 1.Midterm B1027 6.11.2024 14:30 16:20    
    CHE405-01 Chemical Engineering Design I 2.Midterm B1027 11.12.2024 14:30 16:20    
    CHE407-01 Process Modeling, Dynamics and Control 1.midterm 2019 13.11.2024 11:30 13:20    
    CHE407-01 Process Modeling, Dynamics and Control 2.Midterm 2019 18.12.2024 11:30 13:20    
    CMPE105-01 Introduction to Computers and Information Systems 1.midterm İŞLETME LAB115 5.11.2024 11:30 12:20    
    CMPE105-01 Introduction to Computers and Information Systems 2.midterm İŞLETME LAB115 10.12.2024 11:30 12:20    
    CMPE105-02 Introduction to Computers and Information Systems 1.midterm İŞLETME LAB115 5.11.2024 12:30 13:20    
    CMPE105-02 Introduction to Computers and Information Systems 2.midterm İŞLETME LAB115 10.12.2024 12:30 13:20    
    CMPE105-03 Introduction to Computers and Information Systems 1.midterm İŞLETME LAB115 6.11.2024 10:30 11:20    
    CMPE105-03 Introduction to Computers and Information Systems 2.midterm İŞLETME LAB115 11.12.2024 10:30 11:20    
    CMPE105-04 Introduction to Computers and Information Systems 1.midterm İŞLETME LAB115 6.11.2024 11:30 12:20    
    CMPE105-04 Introduction to Computers and Information Systems 2.midterm İŞLETME LAB115 11.12.2024 11:30 12:20    
    CMPE105-05 Introduction to Computers and Information Systems 1.midterm İŞLETME LAB115 5.11.2024 10:30 11:20    
    CMPE105-05 Introduction to Computers and Information Systems 2.midterm İŞLETME LAB115 10.12.2024 10:30 11:20    
    CMPE105-06 Introduction to Computers and Information Systems 1.midterm İŞLETME LAB115 6.11.2024 12:30 13:20    
    CMPE105-06 Introduction to Computers and Information Systems 2.midterm İŞLETME LAB115 11.12.2024 12:30 13:20    
    CMPE105-07 Introduction to Computers and Information Systems 1.midterm İŞLETME LAB115 6.11.2024 13:30 14:20    
    CMPE105-07 Introduction to Computers and Information Systems 2.midterm İŞLETME LAB115 11.12.2024 13:30 14:20    
    CMPE109-01 Fundamentals of Computing 1026II, 1027, 1029, 2043, B1003, B1007, B1012, B1014, B1025 15.11.2024 16:30 17:45    
    CMPE109-02 Fundamentals of Computing 1026II, 1027, 1029, 2043, B1003, B1007, B1012, B1014, B1025 15.11.2024 16:30 17:45    
    CMPE113-01 Computer Programming I 1003, 1017, 1019, 1024, 1025, 1026II, 1027, 1029, 2025 28.11.2024 17:30 19:20    
    CMPE113-01 Computer Programming I LAB Sınavı L3009, L3013, L3017, L3025, LABZ1030, L1012, L1010 30.11.2024 12:00 14:00    
    CMPE113-02 Computer Programming I 1003, 1017, 1019, 1024, 1025, 1026II, 1027, 1029, 2025 28.11.2024 17:30 19:20    
    CMPE113-02 Computer Programming I LAB Sınavı L3009, L3013, L3017, L3025, LABZ1030, L1012, L1010 30.11.2024 12:00 14:00    
    CMPE113-03 Computer Programming I 1003, 1017, 1019, 1024, 1025, 1026II, 1027, 1029, 2025 28.11.2024 17:30 19:20    
    CMPE113-03 Computer Programming I LAB Sınavı L3009, L3013, L3017, L3025, LABZ1030, L1012, L1010 30.11.2024 12:00 14:00    
    CMPE113-04 Computer Programming I 1003, 1017, 1019, 1024, 1025, 1026II, 1027, 1029, 2025 28.11.2024 17:30 19:20    
    CMPE113-04 Computer Programming I LAB Sınavı L3009, L3013, L3017, L3025, LABZ1030, L1012, L1010 30.11.2024 12:00 14:00    
    CMPE113-05 Computer Programming I 1003, 1017, 1019, 1024, 1025, 1026II, 1027, 1029, 2025 28.11.2024 17:30 19:20    
    CMPE113-05 Computer Programming I LAB Sınavı L3009, L3013, L3017, L3025, LABZ1030, L1012, L1010 30.11.2024 12:00 14:00    
    CMPE114-01 Computer Programming II B1003, B1006, B1012 18.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE114-02 Computer Programming II B1003, B1006, B1012 18.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE114-03 Computer Programming II B1003, B1006, B1012 18.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE114-01 Computer Programming II LAB Sınavı L3023, L3025, LABZ1030 19.11.2024 17:30 18:30    
    CMPE114-02 Computer Programming II LAB Sınavı L3023, L3025, LABZ1030 19.11.2024 17:30 18:30    
    CMPE114-03 Computer Programming II LAB Sınavı L3023, L3025, LABZ1030 19.11.2024 17:30 18:30    
    CMPE114-01 Computer Programming II LAB Sınavı L3023, L3025, LABZ1030 30.12.2024 17:30 18:30    
    CMPE114-02 Computer Programming II LAB Sınavı L3023, L3025, LABZ1030 30.12.2024 17:30 18:30    
    CMPE114-03 Computer Programming II LAB Sınavı L3023, L3025, LABZ1030 30.12.2024 17:30 18:30    
    CMPE185-01 Bilgisayar ve Bilişim Sistemlerine Giriş Mühendislik L3009, L3013, L3017, L3023, L3025, LABZ1030 18.11.2024 09:30 11:20    
    CMPE185-02 Bilgisayar ve Bilişim Sistemlerine Giriş Mühendislik L3009, L3013, L3017, L3023, L3025, LABZ1030 18.11.2024 09:30 11:20    
    CMPE185-03 Bilgisayar ve Bilişim Sistemlerine Giriş Mühendislik L3009, L3013, L3017, L3023, L3025, LABZ1030 18.11.2024 09:30 11:20    
    CMPE221-01 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming 1.midterm L3017 8.11.2024 13:30 15:30    
    CMPE221-01 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming 2.midterm L3017 6.12.2024 13:30 15:30    
    CMPE225-01 Object-Oriented Programming 1003, 1009, 1017, 1019, 2003, 2019, 2029, B1019, B1027, B1029 18.11.2024 15:30 17:30    
    CMPE225-02 Object-Oriented Programming 1003, 1009, 1017, 1019, 2003, 2019, 2029, B1019, B1027, B1029 18.11.2024 15:30 17:30    
    CMPE225-03 Object-Oriented Programming 1003, 1009, 1017, 1019, 2003, 2019, 2029, B1019, B1027, B1029 18.11.2024 15:30 17:30    
    CMPE225-04 Object-Oriented Programming 1003, 1009, 1017, 1019, 2003, 2019, 2029, B1019, B1027, B1029 18.11.2024 15:30 17:30    
    CMPE226-01 Data Structures 1.midterm 1015, 1026II, 1027, 1029 8.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE226-01 Data Structures 2.midterm 1026II, 1027, 1029, 2003 9.12.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE226-02 Data Structures 1.midterm 1015, 1026II, 1027, 1029 8.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE226-02 Data Structures 2.midterm 1026II, 1027, 1029, 2003 9.12.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE226-03 Data Structures 1.midterm 1015, 1026II, 1027, 1029 8.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE226-03 Data Structures 2.midterm 1026II, 1027, 1029, 2003 9.12.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE251-01 Discrete Computational Structures 1.midterm 1003, 1009, 1026II, 1027, 2019, 2029, 2031, B1006, B1012, B1029 4.11.2024 15:30 17:30    
    CMPE251-01 Discrete Computational Structures 2.midterm 1003, 1015, 1025, 1026II, 1027, 1029, B1003, B1007, B1012, B1014 13.12.2024 16:30 18:20    
    CMPE251-02 Discrete Computational Structures 1.midterm 1003, 1009, 1026II, 1027, 2019, 2029, 2031, B1006, B1012, B1029 4.11.2024 15:30 17:30    
    CMPE251-02 Discrete Computational Structures 2.midterm 1003, 1015, 1025, 1026II, 1027, 1029, B1003, B1007, B1012, B1014 13.12.2024 16:30 18:20    
    CMPE251-03 Discrete Computational Structures 1.midterm 1003, 1009, 1026II, 1027, 2019, 2029, 2031, B1006, B1012, B1029 4.11.2024 15:30 17:30    
    CMPE251-03 Discrete Computational Structures 2.midterm 1003, 1015, 1025, 1026II, 1027, 1029, B1003, B1007, B1012, B1014 13.12.2024 16:30 18:20    
    CMPE251-04 Discrete Computational Structures 1.midterm 1003, 1009, 1026II, 1027, 2019, 2029, 2031, B1006, B1012, B1029 4.11.2024 15:30 17:30    
    CMPE251-04 Discrete Computational Structures 2.midterm 1003, 1015, 1025, 1026II, 1027, 1029, B1003, B1007, B1012, B1014 13.12.2024 16:30 18:20    
    CMPE301-01 Int. to Database Management Systems 1029, 2003 7.11.2024 15:30 17:20    
    CMPE312-01 Visual Programming LABZ1030, L3023 26.11.2024 15:30 17:20    
    CMPE318-01 Java Programming 1003, 1009 11.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE318-01 Java Programming LAB Sınavı LABZ1030 23.12.2024 15:30 17:20    
    CMPE323-01 Algorithms 1.midterm 2015, 2017, 2025, 2029 31.10.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE323-01 Algorithms 2.midterm 2015, 2017, 2025, 2029 5.12.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE323-02 Algorithms 1.midterm 2015, 2017, 2025, 2029 31.10.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE323-02 Algorithms 2.midterm 2015, 2017, 2025, 2029 5.12.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE325-01 Study of Programming Languages 1.midterm 1017, 1019, 1025, 1026II, 1027, 2025, B1003, B1019, 2029 7.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE325-01 Study of Programming Languages 2.midterm 1017, 1019, 1025, 1026II, 1027, 2025, B1003, B1019, B1015 12.12.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE325-02 Study of Programming Languages 1.midterm 1017, 1019, 1025, 1026II, 1027, 2025, B1003, B1019, 2029 7.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE325-02 Study of Programming Languages 2.midterm 1017, 1019, 1025, 1026II, 1027, 2025, B1003, B1019, B1015 12.12.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE325-03 Study of Programming Languages 1.midterm 1017, 1019, 1025, 1026II, 1027, 2025, B1003, B1019, 2029 7.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE325-03 Study of Programming Languages 2.midterm 1017, 1019, 1025, 1026II, 1027, 2025, B1003, B1019, B1015 12.12.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE325-04 Study of Programming Languages 1.midterm 1017, 1019, 1025, 1026II, 1027, 2025, B1003, B1019, 2029 7.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE325-04 Study of Programming Languages 2.midterm 1017, 1019, 1025, 1026II, 1027, 2025, B1003, B1019, B1015 12.12.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE331-01 Computer Architecture and Organizat I.midterm 1019, 1025, 2035, 2043 6.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE331-01 Computer Architecture and Organizat II.midterm 1019, 1025, 2035, 2043 4.12.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE331-02 Computer Architecture and Organizat I.midterm 1019, 1025, 2035, 2043 6.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE331-02 Computer Architecture and Organizat II.midterm 1019, 1025, 2035, 2043 4.12.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE341-01 Database Design and Management 1003, 1009, 1019, 1025, 1029, B1010  27.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE341-02 Database Design and Management 1003, 1009, 1019, 1025, 1029, B1010  27.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE341-03 Database Design and Management 1003, 1009, 1019, 1025, 1029, B1010  27.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE341-04 Database Design and Management 1003, 1009, 1019, 1025, 1029, B1010  27.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    CMPE341-01 Database Design and Management LAB Sınavı L3009, L3013, L3025, LABZ1030 26.12.2024 17:30 18:30    
    CMPE341-02 Database Design and Management LAB Sınavı L3009, L3013, L3025, LABZ1030 26.12.2024 17:30 18:30    
    CMPE341-03 Database Design and Management LAB Sınavı L3009, L3013, L3025, LABZ1030 26.12.2024 17:30 18:30    
    CMPE341-04 Database Design and Management LAB Sınavı L3009, L3013, L3025, LABZ1030 26.12.2024 17:30 18:30    
    CMPE493-01 Project Orientation 1009, 1019, 1023, 1024, 1025 22.11.2024 13:30 14:20    
    CMPE493-02 Project Orientation 1009, 1019, 1023, 1024, 1025 22.11.2024 13:30 14:20    
    CMPE538-01 İleri Bilgisayar Ağları LABZ1030 11.11.2024 13:30 15:20    
    CMPE541-01 Advanced Database Systems B1023, B1027 18.11.2024 10:00 11:30    
    CMPE543-01 Büyük Veri Çözümlemeleri 2043 15.11.2024 13:30 15:20    
    EE103-01 Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliğine Giriş 2.midterm 1024, 1025, 1019, 1023 13.12.2024 11:30 12:30    
    EE103-01 Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliğine Giriş 1.midterm B1015, B1007, 2043, 2003, B1043II 4.11.2024 16:30 17:30    
    EE103-02 Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliğine Giriş 2.midterm 1024, 1025, 1019, 1023 13.12.2024 11:30 12:30    
    EE103-02 Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliğine Giriş 1.midterm B1015, B1007, 2043, 2003, B1043II 4.11.2024 16:30 17:30    
    EE203-01 Sayısal Devreler 1.midterm 1015, 1019, 1025 20.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    EE203-01 Sayısal Devreler 2.midterm 1015, 1003, 1009 25.12.2024 16:30 18:00    
    EE203-02 Sayısal Devreler B1008, B1010 13.11.2024 15:30 17:00    
    EE203-03 Sayısal Devreler 1.midterm B1012, 2003, B1019, B1027 21.11.2024 13:30 15:00    
    EE203-03 Sayısal Devreler 2.midterm B1012, 2003, 2019 26.12.2024 12:30 14:20    
    EE203-04 Sayısal Devreler  1024 13.11.2024 14:30 16:30    
    EE209-01 Devre Analizi I 1029, B1003, B1007 11.11.2024 11:30 13:20    
    EE213-01 Olasılık ve Rastgele Süreçler 1.midterm 2017, B1012, B1015 15.11.2024 12:30 14:20    
    EE213-01 Olasılık ve Rastgele Süreçler 2.midterm 2017, B1007, B1012 20.12.2024 12:30 14:20    
    EE234-01 Elektrik Mühendisliğine Giriş 1.midterm B1007, B1015 18.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    EE234-01 Elektrik Mühendisliğine Giriş 2.midterm 1027, 1029 20.12.2024 16:30 18:00    
    EE303-01 Sinyaller ve Sistemler 1. Midterm B1014, B1037 28.11.2024 16:30 18:30    
    EE303-01 Sinyaller ve Sistemler 2.midterm 1017, 1019 24.12.2024 17:30 19:00    
    EE303-02 Sinyaller ve Sistemler  1023, 1024 14.11.2024 14:30 16:30    
    EE310-01 RF ve Mikrodalga Mühendisliği  2017 13.11.2024 14:30 16:30    
    EE313-01 Elektronik Devreler II 1.midterm B1037, 1029 12.11.2024 15:30 17:00    
    EE313-01 Elektronik Devreler II 2.midterm B1037, B1010 10.12.2024 14:30 16:00    
    EE315-01 Sayısal Tümleşik Devreler ve Sistemler 1.midterm 1027, B1017 11.11.2024 12:30 14:30    
    EE315-01 Sayısal Tümleşik Devreler ve Sistemler 2.midterm 1027, B1017 16.12.2024 12:30 14:30    
    EE319-01 Mühendislik Elektromanyetiği 1.midterm 1029, 1025 22.11.2024 14:30 16:20    
    EE319-01 Mühendislik Elektromanyetiği 2.midterm 1029, 1025 20.12.2024 14:30 16:20    
    EE402-01 Kablosuz Haberleşme  2043 18.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    EE449-01 Mühendisler için Örüntü Sınıflandırma ve Duyarga Uygulamaları  1009, 1025 13.12.2024 14:30 16:20    
    EE451-01 Güç Sistemleri Analizi  2017 28.11.2024 13:30 15:30    
    EE504-01 Sistem Analizine Giriş TAKE HOME 1.midterm TAKE HOME 9.11.2024 19:00 23:00    
    EE504-01 Sistem Analizine Giriş TAKE HOME 2.midterm TAKE HOME 14.12.2024 19:00 23:00    
    EE531-01 Antenler ve Radyo Dalga Yayılımı TAKE HOME  TAKE HOME 11.11.2024 19:00 21:00    
    ENE201-01 Energy Systems I 1.midterm 2031 5.11.2024 10:00 12:00    
    ENE201-01 Energy Systems I 2.midterm 2031 3.12.2024 10:00 12:00    
    ENE203-01 Termodinamik 1 1.midterm 1029, 2019 14.11.2024 12:30 14:30    
    ENE203-02 Termodinamik 1 1.midterm 2015, 2019, 1019 14.11.2024 10:00 12:20    
    ENE203-02 Termodinamik 1 2.midterm 2015, 2019, 1019 5.12.2024 10:00 12:20    
    ENE301-01 Isı Aktarımı 1.midterm 1024, 1003, 1025, 2015 8.11.2024 14:30 16:20    
    ENE301-02 Isı Aktarımı 1.midterm 1024, 1003, 1025, 2015 8.11.2024 14:30 16:20    
    ENE302-01 Heat and Mass Transfer 1.midterm B1037 12.11.2024 10:00 12:20    
    ENE302-01 Heat and Mass Transfer 2.midterm B1037 3.12.2024 10:00 12:20    
    ENE303-01 Modeling, Analysis and Simulation 1.midterm 2009, B1006 30.10.2024 15:30 17:20    
    ENE303-01 Modeling, Analysis and Simulation 1.midterm 2009, B1006 4.12.2024 15:30 17:20    
    ENE304-01 Measurement and Instrumentation 1.midterm  B1019 12.11.2024 14:30 15:20    
    ENE312-01 Wind Energy Technologies 1.midterm B1010 7.11.2024 14:30 15:20    
    ENE403-01 Power Transmission and Distribution/ 1. Midterm 2027, B1003 26.11.2024 11:30 13:20    
    ENE430-01 Energy Systems in Buildings 1.midterm 2027 12.11.2024 14:30 16:30    
    ENE430-01 Energy Systems in Buildings 2.midterm 2027 3.12.2024 14:30 16:30    
    IE103-01 Introduction to Industrial Engineering B1023, B1037, 1019 6.11.2024 11:30 13:20    
    IE201-01 Probability and Statistics I 1.midterm 1003, 1025, 2043, B1012 8.11.2024 16:30 17:20    
    IE201-01 Probability and Statistics I 2.midterm 1003, 1025, 2043, B1007 6.12.2024 16:30 17:20    
    IE201-02 Probability and Statistics I 1.midterm 1003, 1025, 2043, B1012 8.11.2024 16:30 17:20    
    IE201-02 Probability and Statistics I 2.midterm 1003, 1025, 2043, B1007 6.12.2024 16:30 17:20    
    IE307-01 Production Planning and Control B1006, 2031 18.11.2024 13:30 16:20    
    IE314-01 Project Management 1019 8.11.2024 14:30 15:30    
    IE314-02 Project Management 1023 8.11.2024 14:30 15:30    
    IE323-01 Operations Research II Lab. Sınavı LABZ1030, L2010 8.11.2024 12:30 14:20    
    IE323-01 Operations Research II 2031, 2043, B1006 27.11.2024 15:30 18:20    
    IE323-02 Operations Research II Lab. Sınavı LABZ1030, L2010 8.11.2024 12:30 14:20    
    IE323-02 Operations Research II 2031, 2043, B1006 27.11.2024 15:30 18:20    
    IE403-01 Simulation B1037, B1007, B1019 4.11.2024 09:30 11:20    
    IE407-01 Facilities Planning 1015, B1010 19.11.2024 14:30 16:30    
    IE411-01 Work Study and Design 1015 27.11.2024 12:30 15:20    
    IE417-01 Special Topics in Operations Research B1003, 2031 4.11.2024 13:30 15:20    
    IE421-01 E-commerce & ERP L2010 12.11.2024 09:30 11:30    
    IE428-01 Sistem Mühendisliğine Giriş 1003 14.11.2024 13:30 16:20    
    IE435-01 Logistics Management 2003 8.11.2024 09:30 10:30    
    IE441-01 Optimization in Data Analytics L2010 13.11.2024 09:30 12:20    
    IE443-01 Occupational Health and Safety B1015 15.11.2024 14:30 17:30    
    IE445-01 Technology Management B1003, 2023  21.11.2024 13:30 15:20    
    IE509-01 Production Systems L2010 20.11.2024 13:30 15:20    
    ISE261-01 Business and E-Commerce L3023, L3025 13.11.2024 15:30 17:20    
    ISE261-02 Business and E-Commerce L3023, L3025 13.11.2024 15:30 17:20    
    ISE301-01 Multimedia Systems 2015, 1029, B1023, B1025 22.11.2024 10:30 11:15    
    ISE311-01 Internet Programming 1.midterm 2017, B1003 4.11.2024 11:30 13:20    
    ISE311-02 Internet Programming 2.midterm 2017, B1003 9.12.2024 11:30 12:20    
    ISE353-01 Information Systems Development B1012, L3025 20.11.2024 10:30 11:30    
    ISE405-01 Foundations in Information Technology Services 2043, B1012, 2015 29.11.2024 14:30 15:15    
    ISE414-01 Investigation of Computer Crime 2015, 2003, B1012 11.11.2024 14:30 16:10    
    ISE432-01 Innovation and Entrepreneurship in IT LABZ1030  7.11.2024 09:30 10:45    
    ISE493-01 Project Orientation 1009, 1019, 1023, 1024, 1025 22.11.2024 13:30 14:20    
    ISE493-02 Project Orientation 1009, 1019, 1023, 1024, 1025 22.11.2024 13:30 14:20    
    ISE502-01 Kurumsal Yönetim ve Değişim L1012 14.11.2024 09:30 11:30    
    MATE103-01 Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliğine Giriş ve Malzeme Endüstrisi 1015 22.11.2024 09:30 11:30    
    MATE201-01 Malzeme Mühendisliğinin Temelleri 1.midterm 2015 7.11.2024 14:30 16:20    
    MATE201-01 Malzeme Mühendisliğinin Temelleri 2.midterm 2015 10.12.2024 15:30 17:20    
    MATE203-01 Malzeme Termodinamiği I 1.midterm B1029 18.11.2024 09:30 11:20    
    MATE203-01 Malzeme Termodinamiği I 2.midterm B1029 23.12.2024 09:30 11:20    
    MATE209-01 Malzemelerin Fiziği 1009 14.11.2024 10:00 11:30    
    MATE301-01 Mekanik Biçimlendirmenin Temelleri ve Uygulamaları 1.midterm B1019 12.11.2024 09:30 11:30    
    MATE301-01 Mekanik Biçimlendirmenin Temelleri ve Uygulamaları 2.midterm B1019 17.12.2024 09:30 11:30    
    MATE303-01 Metallerin Üretiminde Kimyasal Prensipler 1.midterm 2025 14.11.2024 13:30 15:20    
    MATE303-01 Metallerin Üretiminde Kimyasal Prensipler 2.midterm 2025 19.12.2024 13:30 15:20    
    MATE311-01 Seramikler ve Refrakter Malzemeler B1025 11.11.2024 10:00 11:30    
    MATE313-01 Malzemelerde Faz Dönüşümleri ve Kinetik Süreçler 1.midterm B1019 5.11.2024 11:30 13:20    
    MATE313-01 Malzemelerde Faz Dönüşümleri ve Kinetik Süreçler 2.midterm B1019 12.12.2024 11:30 13:20    
    MATE442-01 Kaynak Metalurjisi ve Teknolojisi B1003 15.11.2024 13:30 15.20    
    MATE445-01 Malzemelerin Isıl İşlemleri ve Yüzey Sertleştirmesi B1007 12.11.2024 13.30 15.20    
    MATE460-01 Biyomalzemeler B2008 27.11.2024 14.30 16.30    
    MATE462-01 Nanomalzemeler B1007 18.11.2024 13:30 15.20    
    MDES600-02 Araştırma Yöntemleri ve İletişim Becerileri B1007 6.12.2024 09:30 12:00    
    ME101-01 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering  1024 19.11.2024 13:30 14:20    
    ME108-01 Computer Aided Solid Modeling 1.midterm L1006 21.11.2024 13:30 15:00    
    ME108-01 Computer Aided Solid Modeling 2.midterm L1006 26.12.2024 13:30 15:00    
    ME108-02 Computer Aided Solid Modeling 1.midterm L1010 7.11.2024 11:00 14:00    
    ME108-02 Computer Aided Solid Modeling 2.midterm L1010 5.12.2024 11:00 14:00    
    ME108-03 Computer Aided Solid Modeling 1.midterm L1010 7.11.2024 10:00 13:00    
    ME108-03 Computer Aided Solid Modeling 1.midterm L1010 5.12.2024 10:00 13:00    
    ME108-04 Computer Aided Solid Modeling 1.midterm L1006 21.11.2024 11:30 13:00    
    ME108-04 Computer Aided Solid Modeling 2.midterm L1006 26.12.2024 11:30 13:00    
    ME108-05 Computer Aided Solid Modeling 1.midterm L1006 21.11.2024 09:30 11:00    
    ME108-05 Computer Aided Solid Modeling 2.midterm L1006 26.12.2024 09:30 11:00    
    ME201-01 Statics 1.midterm 1024, B1023 30.10.2024 09:30 11:20    
    ME201-01 Statics 2.midterm 1024, B1023 4.12.2024 09:30 11:20    
    ME201-02 Statics 1.midterm 1003, 1009 6.11.2024 16:00 17:30    
    ME201-02 Statics 2.midterm 1003, 1009 18.12.2024 16:00 17:30    
    ME201-03 Statics 1.midterm 1023 4.11.2024 09:30 11:20    
    ME201-03 Statics 2.midterm 1023 2.12.2024 09:30 11:20    
    ME205-01 Introduction to Manufacturing Processes 1.midterm 1025, 1017, 1019, B1008, B1010 12.11.2024 15:30 16:30    
    ME205-01 Introduction to Manufacturing Processes 2.midterm 1025, 1017, 1019, B1008, B1010 17.12.2024 15:30 16:30    
    ME205-02 Introduction to Manufacturing Processes 1.midterm 1025, 1017, 1019, B1008, B1010 12.11.2024 15:30 16:30    
    ME205-01 Introduction to Manufacturing Processes 2.midterm 1025, 1017, 1019, B1008, B1010 17.12.2024 15:30 16:30    
    ME210-01 Strength of Materials 1.midterm 1023, 1029 30.10.2024 15:30 17:20    
    ME210-01 Strength of Materials 2.midterm 1023, 1029 4.12.2024 15:30 17:20    
    ME211-01 Statics and Strength of Materials 1. midterm 1025, 1026I, B1010, B1023, B1029 5.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    ME211-01 Statics and Strength of Materials 2. midterm 1003, 1009, 1017, 1019 9.12.2024 16:30 18:00    
    ME211-02 Statics and Strength of Materials 1. midterm 1025, 1026I, B1010, B1023, B1029 5.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    ME211-02 Statics and Strength of Materials 2. midterm 1003, 1009, 1017, 1019 9.12.2024 16:30 18:00    
    ME411-01 Metal Forming 1.midterm 1017 5.11.2024 11:30 13:20    
    ME411-01 Metal Forming 2.midterm 1017 3.12.2024 11:30 13:20    
    ME421-01 Polymer Processing 1.midterm L3025 6.12.2024 15:30 17:00    
    ME437-01 Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics 1.midterm 1027 13.11.2024 14:30 16:20    
    ME437-01 Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics 2.midterm 1027 18.12.2024 14:30 16:20    
    ME451-01 Quality Management 1.midterm 2009 19.11.2024 13:30 15:20    
    ME478-01 Production Plant Design 1024 13.11.2024 11:30 14:20    
    ME482-01 Introduction to CAD/CAM 1.midterm 1019, B1025, B1043II 5.11.2024 09:30 10:20    
    ME601-01 Advanced Mathematics 1.midterm B1025 12.11.2024 14:30 16:30    
    MECE101-01 Fundamentals of Engineering  1027, 1029 3.12.2024 15:30 16:20    
    MECE204-01 Dynamics 1.midterm B1010, B1012, B1014 16.11.2024 14:30 16:20    
    MECE204-01 Dynamics 2.midterm B1006, 2003, 2029 12.12.2024 15:30 17:30    
    MECE227-01 Sensor and Actuators 1019, 1023, 2019 21.11.2024 09:30 11:20    
    MECE306-01 Kontrol sistemleri 2017, 1029 15.11.2024 09:30 11:30    
    MECE416-01 Control Systems II 1025 13.11.2024 14:00 16:00    
    MECE447-01 Yol Planlama ve Navigasyon B1007, 1027 14.11.2024 11:30 12:20    
    SE112-01 Introduction to Software Engineering 1015 14.11.2024 10:30 12:00    
    SE221-01 Software Requirements Engineering 1025, 1029, 2031, 2043, B1019 13.11.2024 16:30 18:20    
    SE221-02 Software Requirements Engineering 1025, 1029, 2031, 2043, B1019 13.11.2024 16:30 18:20    
    SE321-01 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 1017, 1019, 1027, 2003 14.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    SE321-02 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 1017, 1019, 1027, 2003 14.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    SE345-01 Software Quality Assurance 2029, 2031, B1006 11.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    SE345-02 Software Quality Assurance 2029, 2031, B1006 11.11.2024 16:30 18:00    
    SE422-01 Veri Bilimine Giriş B1014, 1029 22.11.2024 09:30 10:20    
    SE427-01 Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Technologies 2015 13.11.2024 14:30 16:00    
    SE463-01 Low Code Application Development L3025 4.11.2024 10:30 12:20    
    SE493-01 Project Orientation 1009, 1019, 1023, 1024, 1025 22.11.2024 13:30 14:20    
    SE493-02 Project Orientation 1009, 1019, 1023, 1024, 1025 22.11.2024 13:30 14:20    
    SE550-01 Yazılım Mühendisliği 2015 6.11.2024 10:00 11:30    
    SE571-01 Agile Software Development Approac B1023 5.11.2024 10:00 11:00    
    SE650-01 Yazılım Mühendisliğinde İleri Konular 2015 6.11.2024 10:00 11:30